Elite Premium ccTop-Level Domain
- Very Short: short domains are more memorable
- Highly Searched: cellular receives over 60,500 searches per month on Google®
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- SERP SLD: 100,000,000+
- Overture SLD: 48,5111 (type-in score)
Oxford Dictionary Word
1. relating to or consisting of living cells.
"cellular proliferation"
* 2. denoting or relating to a Mobile Telephone System that uses a number of short-range radio stations to cover the area that it serves, the signal being automatically switched from one station to another as the user travels about.
3. (of a fabric item, such as a blanket or vest) knitted so as to form holes or hollows that trap air and provide extra insulation.
4. consisting of small compartments or rooms.
"cellular accommodations"
mid 18th century: from French cellulaire, from modern Latin cellularis, from cellula ‘little chamber’, diminutive of cella .
• There are different cell phone companies operating in Mexico.
• The largest company and the one with the most extensive coverage across the country is Telcel, but you may find that Movistar or Iusacell or another company offers cheaper options.
• Uses: Cellular Network Mexico, Cellular Message eXpress (APP), Dominate the Cellular industry by using and Redirecting domain website Traffic & Revenue to existing homesite or new company to scale the competition (all cellular company's should have strong domain portfolios to capture ALL online type-in browser traffic increasing Revenue Tremendously [i.e type in Cingular.com, BellSouth.com, SouthernBell.com (not limited to & find yourself at ATT.com
• Example of 13/130 Verified .MX Domain Name Sales:
Domain Price
Wine.mx 25,001 USD
OnlineCasino.mx 22,803 USD
ABC.mx 17,700 USD
CasinoOnline.mx 13,500 USD
AutosUSAdos.mx 13,399 USD
JuegosDeMarioBros.mx 12,360 USD
Cupon.mx 12,240 USD
Max.mx 11,730 USD
Pri.mx 10,000 USD
Casinos.mx 10,000 USD
888.mx 10,000 USD
Fragrance.mx 9,999 USD
JuegosDeMario.mx 8,623 USD
Bee.mx 8,500 USD
BlackCard.mx 8,460 USD
Freelancer.mx 7,500 USD
FagranceNet.mx 6,999 USD
BaDoo.mx 6,576 USD
RentACar.mx 6,500 USD
Hostpitals.mx SOLD 1,000 USD. Rupii
.MX Dollar Volume nearly Half a Million [$500K] 130 .MX Domains SOLD
[Excludes Unreported Sales-- Millions of Domain Sales go unreported each Year]